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Stacking Code

public interface IBlog { string Dump(Stream consciousness); }


Stacking Code

Stacking Code is the dumping ground for Adam Boddington's delusions regarding web development. The blog was initially created to blog about building the blog engine it runs on. You can read more about that chicken and egg effort here.

Adam Boddington

Adam first started programming in BASIC at the age of 12 on the family computer, an Apple IIc. Thus began a love of telling computers what to do, and a growing frustration with the methods for doing so.

Adam persisted with programming. Since graduating from UNSW in 1995, he has been subjected to PL1, CICS, DB2, PowerBuilder, Sybase, Visual Basic and SQL Server. He began building web applications in 2000 with ASP. After finding C# and ASP.NET in 2002, Adam was known to stop frowning and occasionally smile at work. ORMs, agile, and ASP.NET MVC have more recently raised his smile factor to new heights.

Adam currently lives in Canberra with his patient wife and three surprising daughters. He builds intranet applications for an energy company.

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Building Neno

Recent Posts

Codility Nitrogenium Challenge
OS X Lock
HACT '13
Codility Challenges
Priority Queue


Architecture (13)
Brisbane Flood (1)
Building Neno (38)
C# (4)
Challenges (3)
Collections (1)
Communicator (1)
Concurrency Control (2)
Configuration (1)
CSS (5)
DataAnnotations (2)
Database (1)
DotNetOpenAuth (2)
Entity Framework (1)
FluentNHibernate (2)
Inversion of Control (5)
JavaScript (1)
jQuery (4)
Kata (2)
Linq (7)
Markdown (4)
Mercurial (5)
NHibernate (20)
Ninject (2)
OpenID (3)
OS X (1)
Pivot (6)
PowerShell (8)
Prettify (2)
RSS (1)
Spring (3)
SQL Server (5)
T-SQL (2)
Validation (2)
Vim (1)
Visual Studio (2)
Windows Forms (3)
Windows Service (1)


Powered by Neno, ASP.NET MVC, NHibernate, and small furry mammals. Copyright 2010 - 2011 Adam Boddington.
Version 1.0 Alpha (d9e7e4b68c07), Build Date Sunday, 30 January, 2011 @ 11:37 AM